Applying Positive Psychology in Coaching

In recent years, positive psychology has gained significant attention as a powerful approach to improving overall well-being and flourishing in various areas of life, and professional coaches provide a service to create sustainable change. When applied positive psychology to coaching, it allows coaches to explore beyond simply fixing problems and helps clients thrive by leveraging their strengths and focusing on positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments.
By adopting positive psychology principles into coaching practices, coaches can guide clients to discover their strengths, set meaningful goals, and develop strategies to enhance their overall happiness and fulfillment. This approach promotes a proactive and strengths-based mindset, empowering clients to tap into their inner resources and overcome challenges more effectively. Throughout this session, we will explore various strategies, techniques, and interventions rooted in positive psychology that can be applied to coaching, enabling both coaches and clients to unlock their full potential and create lasting positive change. Get ready to discover the transformative power of positive psychology in coaching!
Key Intentions of this session are:
- Align our understanding of Positive Psychology
- Observe our natural tendency as coaches and coaching clients
- Share tips of applying positive psychology when coaching
- Practice learning in small groups and receive feedback

講者 - Leona Wan
Leona, ICF-MCC, is one of the founders of the “Positive Coach Leader Program”. She is a passionate coach and learning facilitator. Leona specializes in inspiring her clients to deliver their personal best. In her most recent appointments, she supported her clients to excel in their leadership competencies, uplifting engagement, positivity and team performance.
Leona draws from a corporate experience of 20+ years, including senior leadership roles in financial services and frontline operations. Leona followed her passion and left her corporate appointment in 2007 to be a full-time coach and facilitator. Since 2015, Leona has become a trainer and mentor for professional coaches. She has been delivering workshops for MNCs in Australia, Greater China, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. Her industry experience includes Pharmaceutical, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Technology, Logistics, Public Utilities, Events Management, Hospitality and Property Management.
Leona engages her clients with a warm and open style. She impresses her audience with her positive energy during her engagement. Leona’s recent initiative is to promote “Positive Relationships at Workplace”. Her interests also include promoting well-being and world peace. In 2017, she started a “Positive 100 Days” initiative with her colleagues to create ripple effects for world peace. And in 2021, she launch a bilingual YouTube channel promoting “Positivity”.
歡迎教練們的參與及付出,期望見到大家出席,共同締造一個真正的 Coaching Community,建立一個教練生態圈,支持教練們發展高質素的教練事業。

香港教練文化協會 (CCCHK) 是一個非牟利組織,成立於 2018 年,以推動香港教練文化為宗旨,讓更多的機構、組織、企業、以至個人能有機會認識及瞭解教練學 (Coaching)如何能幫助他們;同時,透過協會這個平台,支持教練 (Coach) 發展及成長,定期舉辦不同主題的工作坊、活動、合作項目,讓不同界別的人都能接觸及體驗到教練學 (Coaching) 帶來的好處。